Saturday, October 13, 2007
it takes to be inspired completely to fall in love immediately. you can't describe it. it just happens & you make that immediate decision to be a part of whatever that inspired you. you don't think twice & you never regret it. you were always meant to be part of that inspiration. that's precisely how i felt when i read this name - michael franti and spearhead. may be i had heard that name before. i dunno. but my heart skipped a beat. all i did was to listen to a track & i was hooked.
never believed in love at first sight. but it's possible. it's possible. a song, an ear ring, a cloud, a flower... 'the world's FULL of f***ing inspiration!' ... and i mean it
here's an amg review of michael franti's latest Yell Fire!
Michael Franti's worldview and his music are so tightly entangled that it's difficult to imagine one existing without the other. So none of his fans could have been all that surprised when Franti returned from a 2004 trip to war-torn regions of Iraq, Israel, and Palestine and subsequently released both I Know I'm Not Alone, a documentary film/DVD based on his travels, and Yell Fire!, his most socially conscious album to date. read more
here some of his music on youtube
of course, now i have a distinct hanging ur balls out thot in my head...