Monday, May 21, 2007

a constant quitter

it's surprising how something so enormous as quitting could be the theme of one's life and one could still be very oblivious to it. but it is possible. our lives are not grand and so are all those things we quit. but then when it becomes chronic you know it's time to sit up and examine.

quitting is primarily due to the lack of a belief. that something one has set their minds on will work. but then the human race is filled with stories of people who have stuck through the rough times and come out winning. yet why does one give up so easily? or wants to give up? and how many times has one looked back and regret those quittings. 'if only i had roughed out that terrible phase, i would have been happier...'

the truth is quitters give up easily coz they lack belief in themselves. that they can deal with it. perhaps their life patterns has been such that they were given up on easily or they just weren't reinforced enough or weren't given the assurance of who they were as kids or who knows... the excuses can run into zillions.

truth is we can. that's why the human race is so amazing. that is why we are capable of miracles. we can take the pain of being unsure, insecure and down right infra-digs and still come out fine. even winning.


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