Thursday, November 26, 2009

the cake of democracy

a true democracy is often chaotic. it allows everyone to voice their dissidence without fear, to explore their selves without being restricted by ideologies, without feeling compelled to work for the greater good.

that said, i currently enjoy the benefits of being within a Godfatherish community of srts. my needs are taken care of, and battles are fought when "honour" is threatened. sure, i am grateful to my benefactors. yet, i am constantly on my guard. can't help but feel that there are some insidious forces at act, most of which i am unable to detect. may be its just paranoia or apathy... whatever, it sucks.

i think, i would deeply appreciate a system where support doesn't come with a price tag. where everyone is encouraged to question, because with curiosity comes creativity and innovation. the downside of so many questions is chaos. hasn't society been created to contain chaos? can then democracy in its truest sense work?

or will people with "insight" or "foresight" continue with their Machiavellian schemes for the "greater good"?

1 Comment:

  1. phreakv6 said...
    true democracy is sluggish. it has to be a mix n match i think. take a 20 member group going on a vacation together as a simple example. its impossible to stick to democracy even within such a small, almost homogenous group.

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